September 29, 2003

노무현의 당선-어떻게 볼 것인가

진보와 보수의 대립축에서 본다면, 노무현의 당선은 진정으로 2030세대의 진보이념이 5060세대의 보수이념과 맞서 승리한, '세대혁명', '이념혁명'의 결실로 이해될 수 있을 것인가. 혹은, 진보세력이 오랜 투쟁의 세월속에 익혀온 조직 동원의 Knowhow가 보수세력의 그것을 압도한, 동원전략의 승리에 불과한가. 소모소모, 한국 진보/보수의 정치운동에 '이념'이라 할만한 것이 존재하기는 하는가.
잠깐 체크!

Posted by Tianan at 11:45 PM | Comments (26)

September 28, 2003

The Insider-Powerful and Gripping!

There are some movies that you can Never get bored, no matter how many times you've seen it. And for me, the Insider is the one. By today, I've seen this movie five times, but still each scene and line is as powerful as I saw it first.

Well, many things can be talked of this movie. It is a story about corporate politics, the power of the media and dirty manipulation of big tobacco companies. But that's just one thing. On the other hand, this movie talks about personal struggle and confrontation between characters most of whom have hypocricy of their own. This is perfectly true of Jeffrey Wigand(Russel Crowe), the most attractive character in this movie, I think. He is portrayed as an angry man trying to do the right thing but certainly not a martyr. We are impressed by his courage in taking on an intimidating company, but yet we are perplexed by his hypocricy in quietly working for the company until he got fired and only then deciding to blow the whistle. So does Mike Wallace(Chiristopher Plummer), 60 Minutes correspondent. His integrity as a journalist is certainly impeccable, but after all, he is an old man who doesn't wanna spend his last days in the clubhouse. And here comes Lowell Bergman(Al Pacino). Although he has his own foibles, he is exceptionally uncompromising and keeps fighting against the reality around him. Aside from media morality, this film is about their confrontaion, cooperation and compromise.

It seems that throughout the movie, Michael Mann is trying to ask what it means to be the GOOD guy in the world dominated by commercial consideration. What is the good guy, anyway? But there is no reason to totally sides with the commercial ego because it is also true that nobody would totally give up attempting to move in the 'right' direction. Lowell's purity is certainly not easy to be gained but Wigand's efforts to make amends for his self-absorbed early decision could be expected even to ordinary people.

Posted by Tianan at 04:15 AM | Comments (30)

September 27, 2003



 ま、彼女の発表のうち、中核的な部分だけを整理するとこれくらいになると思うが、バトルはこれから! これだけ興味深い主張に質問がないはずがない。
 質問1ー樋渡(展):北朝鮮経済における中国援助のウエイトはどれくらい? どれだけのレベレッジを中国は北朝鮮に対して行使しうるのか。(ちなみに、樋渡先生、左耳にピアーシングをしていた、これは驚き! ぜんぜん似合わねー)
 質問3-G.Noble:いや、本当に変わったといえるのか。歴史的な変化は確かにあるような気がするが、別に構造的な変化が見て取れるわけではない。アメリカの圧力というファクターが見落とされているのではないかな。今後、特に台湾問題に絡むことになると、すぐ変わると思うが、どう? (やっぱり根っからのアメリカの政治学者らしい、また中国・台湾戦争が間近だと主張する彼らしい質問。若干挑発的な感じ。)
 答え:(これはさすがに予測できなかった質問だったらしく益尾さん若干慌てる)えーとですね。。(ここで、主催側の樋渡先生が口を挟む)それはさ、現在の中国の共産党っていうのが、純粋なイデオロギー党でないことを看過しているんじゃないの? だからさ、外交政策だけでなくさ、(さが多い)ほとんどの政策領域で党は国家レベルに決定権や実行権を実際に譲っているのでないのかな。


Posted by Tianan at 02:15 AM | Comments (28)

September 26, 2003


 Yesterday reading on the train Oguma's "民主と愛国", I found an interesting paragraph about an event that shaped Maruyama Masao's view of Chosun ever since. Explaining how Maruyama's wartime experience was conceptualized as '国民' in his earlier writings, Oguma said, "丸山の朝鮮人との接触体験は、彼が軍隊に招集されて朝鮮駐屯の歩兵連隊に送られた際、平壌の内務班で朝鮮出身の古兵に編上靴で殴られた、悲惨なものであった。"(p248) The wretched experience in the colonial Chosun, Oguma adds, may have made him keep supporting Fukuzawa's contemptuous view of Chosun until his last years.

By the way, is there anyone who can explain what '編上靴' is?

Posted by Tianan at 02:58 AM | Comments (27)

September 24, 2003






Posted by Tianan at 02:46 AM | Comments (24)

September 22, 2003


 "민주화 이후 한국사회가 더욱 나빠지고 있다는 중요한 증거 중의 하나는 수도권으로의 중앙집중화가 더욱 심화되었다는 사실이다. ..나는 서울로의 집중화 문제만큼 오늘날 한국 민주주의의 문제를 실증하는 것은 드물다고 생각한다. 기실 민주주의란 한 사회의 중심을 다원화하는 경향을 증대시키는 힘이어야 한다. 권위주의, 절대주의, 전체주의 등 비민주적 사회의 특징은 정치, 경제, 군사, 문화적 권력과 영향력이 단일 중심으로 응집되어 있다는 것이다. 민주화는 이들 응집된 힘의 요소들을 해체하고 다원하는 것이라고 해도 과언이 아니다. 이들 복수의 힘들간의 관계를 어떻게 해당사회의 여러 조건과 현실에 맞게 재조합하여 공동체의 발전에 기여할 수 있게 할 것인가는 그 다음의 문제이다. 그렇다면, 국토의 0.6%에 불과한 서울이 전체 인구의 20% 이상을 차지하면서 정치, 경제, 문화의 모든 자원을 블랙홀처럼 빨아들이게 된 형국을 어떻게 이해할 것인가?" -최장집, 민주화 이후의 민주주의, 후마니타스, 2002[Choi, Janjip, Democracy After Democratization: The Conservative Origin of Korean Democracy and Its Crisis, Humanitas, 2002]


Posted by Tianan at 02:19 AM | Comments (25)

September 20, 2003

Why democracy?

Why should we support democracy? More specifically, why should we support democracy in governing the state? If not, are there better ways of governing a state? Would a nondemocratic system of government be better? Although too abstract, these questions must be seriously(and specifically) addressed in Japan and Korea where there is a wide and strong sense of frustration and disappointment about the way its democracy works and some critics are beginning to talk about some alternatives. (for example, in Japan's case, see Keishi Saeki's book)

In his small and cute book(On democracy), Robert Dahl presents ten reasons why it is better to be governed by democracy. (note, he is not saying that we should be ruled by democracy)
1. Democracy helps to prevent government by cruel and vicious autocrats.
2. Democracy guarantees its citizens a number of fundamental rights that nondemocratic systems do not, and cannot, grant.
3. Democracy insures its citizens a broader range of personal freedom than any feasible alternative to it.
4. Democracy helps people to protect their own fundamental interests.
5. Only a democratic government can provide a maximum opportunity for persons to exercise the freedom of self-determination-that is, to live under laws of thier own choosing.
6. Only a democratic government can provide a maximum opportunity for exercising moral responsibility.
7. Democracy fosters human development more fully than any feasible alternative.
8. Only a democratic government can foster a relatively high degree of political equality.
9. Modern representative democracies do not fight wars with one another.
10. Countries with democratic government tend to be more prosperous than countries with autocratic governments.

Some sound persuasive, some do not. But just because democracies are far less evil than non-democratic regimes, democratic citizens can hardly afford to be satisfied. Like we cannot reasonably justfy the commission of a lesser crime because others commit larger crimes. Thus, what should be needed is to transform democracy from a second-best option to the undoubtedly best choice, じゃないかなあと思う。

Posted by Tianan at 06:40 PM | Comments (25)

September 19, 2003


 小熊英二の『民主と愛国:戦後日本のナショナリズムと公共性』を、ついに買ってしまった! 1000ページに達する、しかも6,300円もするこのとんでもない本を買ってしまったおれは、ほんとに正常な人間なのか。貧乏な留学生のくせに。。だが、こんなに刺激的な題目の本を、「戦後日本の民主主義とはいったい何だったのか」の問題で頭が痛い政治学徒が、見て見ぬふりをしてまで通り過ぎるわけにはいかなかった。もちろん、読み終わるのはかなり先のことになるだろうけど、こんな本ってなんか挑戦するという気持ちを持たせるね。


Posted by Tianan at 02:34 AM | Comments (7)

September 18, 2003

Democracy is really strong?

Recently, it is getting easy to find some works on the impact of regime type on international behaviours. Although most of those studies are concentrated on how democracy acts abroad (of course sometimes, it sounds like 'hey you look, democratic govs are doing quite well internationally as well, isn't it completely proved why you have to change yours to democatic one?'), it might be kind of interesting to look at how much and in what ways regime type matters and also to get a glimpse of what is fashionable these days in the interpoli academia.

Here are two articles;
*Kenneth A.Schultz and Barry R. Weingast, "The Democratic Adavantage: Institutional Foundations of Financial Power in International Competition", International Organization 57, Winter 2003, pp 3-42

*David Lake, "Powerful Pacifists: Democratic States and War", American Political Science Review 86 (1), 24-37

The question of Schultz and Weingast is clear and simple: are democratic governments really inferior to their authoritarian counterparts when it comes to foreign affairs? Democracies, risking the politicization of the ‘national interest’ by ill-informed publics and short-sighted legislatures, are vulnerable to external competition? And, of course, they claim the contrary. Schultz and Weingast argue that democracies, or constrained governments, have done quite well internationally, especially in prolonged international competition. In their view, democracy's institutional features that place structural contraints on the leaders provide the political foundation for state power abroad, that is, by enhancing a state's ability to access to public debt that would enable it to pay for a prolonged war without a serious distortion in domestic economy. In contrast, aristocratic regimes are exclusively dependent on tax increase for financing war which would jeopardize domestic economy and eventually undermine their capacity to stay with war, or broadly international competition.

Quite interesting and convincing, but not flawless. First, the explanatory scope of the argument is quite limited. Not a lot of democacies have private economic actors who are able to insulate themeselves from the state and actively pressure the government to pay off its debt in case of defeat or default. After all, the Great Britain in the 17th and the US in the late 20th, selected for the case study, are the two only democracies in the history that had those kind of private actors.

Posted by Tianan at 02:19 AM | Comments (30)

September 17, 2003

東大法学部 定期試験:政治学(担当:加藤淳子)

1) Suppose that you are serving as a policy adviser in a country which has just become independent and is trying to introduce democracy. What would you advise for bringing democracy into this country?
- You can either focus on each institution (for example, electoral system, cabinet structure, constitutional system) or address the whole relationship of the institutions, but make sure to be clear about what you are talking about.
- You can compare your choice with other alternatives in a manner of clarifying merits and demerits of yours and others.
- Whether or not you understand what you learned at the class is going to be evaluated.

2) Answer Two in the followings.
・Chicken Game
・Welfare State
・The Change of Party Politics
・Lifecycle Effect
・Social Choice Theory
・International Relations and Domestic Politics

Posted by Tianan at 01:11 AM | Comments (27)

September 15, 2003

경제성장이 안되면 우리는 풍요롭지 못할 것인가

"...조금 거칠게 말하면, 사회주의의 주장은 경제의 민주화를 목적으로 하는 것이었습니다. 혹은, 노동현장, 일터의 민주화, 그리고 노동자에게 권력을 갖게 한다, 그것이 사회주의의 약속이었습니다. 프랑스 혁명에 의해서 정치형태는 민주화되었지만 경제형태는 여전히 민주화되어 있지 않다, 그것이 사회주의의 과제라는 사고방식이었습니다. 경제제도를 민주화하는 과정의 첫걸음은 경제적인 결정이라고 말해지는 정책결정의 대부분이 실은 경제적인 것이 아니라 정치적인 결정이라는 것을 인식하는 일입니다. 이 결정, 이 정책이 정치적이라고 말하는 경우, 그것은 전문가의 결정사항이 아니라 보통의 시민, 인민이 선택하고 결정할 권리를 갖고 있다는 의미입니다. 변함없이, 자동적으로 그렇게 되어오고 있다는 역사적 결정론이 아니라, 선택은 가능하다라는 의미입니다. 그것은 전문가에게 위임해서 해결될 기술적인 선택이 아닙니다. 인간이 어떻게 살아야 하는가 라는 가치판단을 동반한 선택이며, 살아있는 인간만이 할 수 있는 선택입니다. ..그러나 이른바 '경제"에는 그러한 선택의 가능성을 배제하는 반민주적인 힘이 내재되어 있습니다. 본래 '선택'해야 하는 것을 '어떻게 해 볼 도리가 없는 것'으로 바꾸어 버리는 힘 말입니다"


お勧めの一冊:C.더글라스 러미스, 김종철(역), 경제성장이 안되면 우리는 풍요롭지 못할 것인가, 녹색평론사, 2002 (

Posted by Tianan at 02:22 AM | Comments (27)

September 14, 2003

Welcome again!

Well, thanks to Michi, I finally started using this weblog. I hope this weblog can be a place where I take a good, hard look at what I have done and think carefully what I will do.


Posted by Tianan at 06:18 PM | Comments (25)